Try Clinicom For Free

One Single Patient Online Assessment Detects
Up to 80+ Mental Health Conditions

One Single Patient Online Assessment Detects Up to 80+ Mental Health Conditions

“Our mission is to help providers make clear and confident diagnoses and treatments for mental healthcare.”

Nelson Handal

Dr. Nelson Handal, M.D., DFAPA

Chairman, Clinicom

“Our mission is to help providers make clear and
confident diagnoses and treatments for mental healthcare.”
Nelson Handal

Dr. Nelson Handal, M.D., DFAPA

Chairman, Clinicom

Trusted by leading TMS centers, Clinics, EHRs and Universities.

A Better Way

Better Detection

We need regular assessments, as mental health fluctuates over time

Better Diagnosis

We need better decision support technology. as it's too complicated

Better Treatments

We need evidence based care plans, with data driven decisions.

Better Outcomes

We get to witness patients living healthier, better lives over time.


Modernize Your Practice Today

The New Gold Standard For Patients & Providers
One Single Patient Online Assessment Detects Up to 80+ Mental Health Conditions

The New Gold Standard For Patients & Providers One Single Patient Online Assessment Detects Up to 80+ Mental Health Conditions



Patient completes single adaptive assessment

Anywhere online in average of 28 minutes, with 94% completion rates.


mockup of a woman with glasses using an ipad mini

Real-time report for mental health conditions

Per the DSM-5 gold standard— augmented intelligence for better clinical decisions


psychiatrist using clinicom on laptop

Evidenced-based care plans and tracking

Improves outcomes- to transform the mental healthcare experience


94% completion rate


Lowered clinical burden on staff


96% satisfaction rating

clinicom software
ignacio handal headshot


Ignacio Handal
Clinicom CEO

ignacio handal headshot


Ignacio Handal
Clinicom CEO

No Credit Card Required

Plans starting at $12/yearly per patient.

Plans starting at $12/yearly per patient.

4.8/5 Rating

Integrates with Your EMR/EHR


Your Clinical Decision Support System

Helping Clinicians Better Detect, Diagnose, Treat & Get Reimbursed For Better Patient Outcomes

Invite Your Patient

The clinician uses CLINICOM’s invite feature to email or text a secure encrypted link to your patient or patient’s guardian. The patient can register on any Internet-capable device such as cell phone, tablet or computer. Clinicians also have the option to complete the assessment themselves with the patient present.

Complete Assessment

The clinician and/or patient begins a CLINICOM online assessment on any Computer or mobile device with internet access. The patient can save and continue at any point allowing them to complete the assessment in a safe, comfortable environment at their own pace at a convenient time.

Clinician Review

Accept, Reject or Rule out suggested Diagnoses

Follow Up & Treatment Planning

The system conveniently suggests follow-up assessments for the clinician to choose from based on the accepted diagnosis.

Insurance Reimbursements

+ ATM Bonuses

Increase practice revenue with Clinicom, which is reimbursable through most insurance carriers. Clinicom increases value-based care for patients and clinicians while reducing overall mental health costs for insurance providers.


Easy. Fast. Efficient

Simply Add Clinicom to Upgrade Patient Outcomes

Clinicom is clear
Clinicom is a trusted, secure and regulatory compliant solution.
Get started in minutes. Only $12 per patient/year, covered by most major insurance providers for qualifying clinicians.

94% Completion rate in less than 30 minutes (pre-visit).
Access the most comprehensive medical history available. Sourced securely from the patient..


Improves Evidence Based Healthcare.
Augmented intelligence enhances decision making for data-driven treatments plans for better care.


What They Are Saying…

Stories From Our Community

Kelly Peyton MA, LPC-S, RPT-S, CCTP

Clinical Director, Katy Counseling
Katy, TX

“After starting using Clinicom, we soon found that our patients shared details with Clinicom that they never shared before, even after a year of quality therapy”

William Sauve M.D.

Medical Director
Greenbrook TMS (Nation's Largest TMS Centers)

“As Greenbrook TMS's Regional Medical Director, Clinicom has proven invaluable in my daily practice. I can thoroughly review their clinical history, ensuring a seamless and focused in-office encounter.”

Jerlyn C. McCleod M.D., FAPA

Medical Director
Laurel Oaks and Bradford Health Services

“Clinicom empowers patients to share information privately before their visit, allowing us to focus on a more informed diagnosis during our interview. 

Jonathan Pfeifer M.D., M.S.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Dothan Behavioral Medicine Clinic

“Clinicom  is a game-changer for time management. It helps prioritize the main and secondary problems, ensuring a focused clinical attention that might have been overlooked. “


"Clinicom is an accurate and reliable way to triage our students prior to their first appointment."
Portrait of a young smiling professional man, arms crossed
Mark Sendler
"Clinicom liberates clinicians from routine, rote data gathering, dramatically optimizing time spent."
Martha Kunis
Clinic Manager
"Clinicom is a safe space to disclose sensitive topics. Patients find the experience highly acceptable."
Kelly Stuart
Clinical Director
"We get to the heart of things quicker and our initial first two months are much more focused and much more efficient."
David Hardwood, MD, FAPA
"It is a crisis for any family when they have to admit their child to the hospital. The more efficient it can be, the easier it is on the family and the patient."
Robert Turner, PHD
"Clinicom can be reviewed and interpreted within the context of the office visit. This makes my time with the patient much more meaningful and efficient."
James Wiley, MD

The Future is Here

Clinicom is a Game Changer

Initial Screening

Initial Screening

  • Autonomous, DSM-based intake assessing up to 80 conditions from a single adaptive assessment, gathered remotely prior to the first visit.
  • Includes medical history, prescriptions, bio-psycho-social histories, and SDOH.
  • The majority of the first visit is spent addressing issues and creating a treatment plan.
  • Increased equity, access, and engagement.
  • Patients feel heard.

  • Inconsistent screening process with potential for missing crucial patient history and comorbidities.
  • The majority of the first appointment is spent gathering data subjectively.
  • Low equity and access.
  • Misdiagnosis rate of 39-90% (NIMH data)

Intake and Documentation

Intake and Documentation

  • Consistent biopsychosocial intake and documentation across all providers.
  • Provides an objective and thorough understanding of the patient's condition, gathered remotely.

  • Inconsistent documentation across organizations and providers.
  • Notes are often generic and subjective, leading to incomplete understanding of a patient's condition.

Treatment Planning

Treatment Planning and Measurement

  • Evidence-based and objective treatment planning based on DSM standards.
  • Reduced risk of misdiagnosis and treatment errors, leading to improved patient outcomes.

  • Subjective treatment planning can lead to wrong treatment choices, misdiagnoses, and incorrect treatment.

Follow-up and Monitoring

Follow-up and Monitoring

  • Objective tracking of progress using scientifically validated measures.
  • Allows patients and clinicians to visualize progress, improving adherence and satisfaction.
  • Automated follow-up cadences.

  • Subjective and inconsistent follow-up measures, hard to track progress.
  • Weak non-accurate assessments used, if any.

Documentation and Reporting

Documentation and Reporting

  • Seamless comprehensive documentation auto-generated, reducing clinical burden.
  • Ensures accurate, on-time reports, allowing clinicians to focus on solving problems, not documenting them.

  • Potential for incomplete or late documentation, causing inaccurate or incomplete records.

Time Efficiency and Revenue

Time Efficiency and Revenue

  • Improved clinician efficiency, allowing for effective patient care and potential increased revenue.
  • Reduced worry about clinical documentation.

  • Potential for overwhelmed clinicians concerned about missed or unreported details.
  • Inefficient or ineffective patient care due to lack of insight into histories or hidden comorbidities.

Data Analysis and Transparency

Data Analysis and Transparency

  • Provides data analytics, transparency to outcomes, staff efficiency, and treatment outcomes.
  • Easy reporting for value-based care with full analytics and statistics available across the care team.

  • No transparency in staff efficiency, productivity, treatment outcomes.
  • Measuring value-based care is subjective and nearly impossible.

360-Degree View

360-Degree View

  • Allows for multiple reporters, providing a comprehensive understanding of the patient's condition from multiple perspectives.

  • Single reporter view leading to a skewed understanding of the patient's condition.


$12 Per Patient, Yearly

ROI of 3-5x with eligible billing codes

Clinicom's Platform Features Over 80 Mental Health Conditions Assessed, Aligning with DSM-5 Criteria for Accurate, Patient-Centric Care.

Clinicom is eligible for reimbursement through most insurance carriers, contributing to the revenue growth of your clinic.


Review of Clinicom is covered by most major insurance companies, including Medicaid.

clinicom is insurance reimbursible


#1 Mental Health Assessment Platform

Over 1 Million Conditions Assessed and Growing

Clinicom is the world's only comprehensive Mental Health Platform that can assess and monitor 80+ DSM conditions from a single adaptive ML assessment using adaptive Augmented Intelligence. Clinicom lowers the clinical burden of executing high quality mental health care while improving clinical and administrative workflows.

Clinicom helps clinicians efficiently assess for 80+ possible mental health conditions with proprietary algorithms that adhere to the gold-standard DSM-5 rules.

ONLY CLINICOM CAN remotely assess for each of the DSM required Criteria with our exclusive and unique proprietary questions!

In addition, Clinicom integrates an extensive selection of validated standardized assessments to track and gauge your treatment effectiveness following the initial assessment. This approach empowers clinicians with measurable results that can be referenced throughout the patient's path to wellness, creating a holistic and data-driven mental health care experience.

Technology That Really Works

Results Measured & Reported By Clinicom Users


Care team satisfaction


Patient engagement rate


Of patients said Clinicom was easy to use


Of patients said it was thorough


Increase in capacity with existing resources

Statistics are Clinicom user statistics. Information and results may vary dependent on clinical setting.


Completion rate with no human intervention


Engagement after 90 days


Increased identification of hidden comorbidities in mental health.


Reduction in no show rate


Reduced Time to response


Reduced Emergency Department utilization


Reduction in time to remission

Statistics dependent on clinical setting.

Case Study

Clinicom is a force multiplier

Greenbrook TMS is the world's largest TMS provider across 136 locations with an ARR of $72M.

Problem: Pre-screening TMS patients for detailed criteria prior to booking the limited time their Clinician has for applicable patients.

Clinicom is a force multiplier."

-Bryce Neumann, Greenbrook TMS

Start Making a Difference Today

Get Clinicom's Free Trial and Revolutionize Mental Health Care in Your Practice


Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? We have answers.

Our free trial gives full access to all of Clinicom’s features for a limited trial period, including customer support, allowing users to explore its comprehensive capabilities.

Clinicom is designed for various settings including health care, social services, schools, primary care and mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and nurse practitioners. It’s ideal for individual practitioners, small practices, and larger healthcare organizations. Clinicom can be used by Veterans organizations, EAP, government, correctional facilities, security companies, juvenile services, home health, rehabilitation centers and even retirement communities.

Assessment times may vary based on the selected Clinicom product and patient complexity. Short follow-ups can range from 3-5 minutes, while comprehensive assessments may take 25-45 minutes, dependent on complexity. Times may vary for cases with multiple comorbidities.

Clinicom generally qualifies for insurance reimbursement. While we advise checking with individual insurers, we provide a robust billing guide and support to help streamline this process.

Clinicom does not assess neurodegenerative diseases (like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's) and personality disorders.

Yes, Clinicom is clinically validated with research published in leading psychiatry journals. It incorporates standardized tests known for their sensitivity and specificity.

Yes, Clinicom seamlessly integrates with various Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems, enhancing workflow efficiency.

Yes, the free trial can be canceled at any point without obligation.

After the free trial, continue with Clinicom for a one-time charge of $100 per location and $12 per patient per year for completed assessments.

Clinicom adheres to top-tier data privacy and security standards, encrypting and securely storing patient information in compliance with HIPAA.


Our Story

We Exit To End The Mental Health Epidemic
Our Team Has Invested DecadesTo Bring Clinicom To You

Clinicom's Adaptive Augmented Intelligence

Clinicom’s Team have been an integral part of some of the most sensitive and pivotal independent CNS Clinical Trials supporting pharma companies drug development for the last 20 years. Pharma has trusted our team with their most sensitive IP and the responsibility of accurately measuring mental health for FDA trials for two decades. In 2022, Clinicom CEO Ignacio Handal was awarded the Christine Pierre Lifetime Achievement Award in Clinical Research, This global award recognized his ongoing contribution to FDA Clinical Trials that has positively impacted 200 million lives through a myriad of drug and device approvals. This award is the highest honor in Clinical Trial Research globally.

As reported by Globaldata.com, our Founders, Chairman, CEO, CMO, and Director of Research have each independently conducted more pharma clinical trial research than 99.2% of all Global PIs, SubIs, and other Researchers combined, across all therapeutic areas. Part of the reason pharma has repeatedly selected our independent CNS research site is because of the Clinicom platform we developed through our CRO, and the sophisticated screening tools we developed to screen and measure mental health, earning us a strong reputation within FDA clinical trials, Pharma, life sciences, and the CRO space.

Nelson Handal

We imagine a day in the future when mental health assessments are as easy and accurate as blood test.

Nelson M. Handal, M.D., DFAPA Founder & Chairman, Clinicom

  • Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association
  • Certified Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist
  • Diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
Clinicom Journey

Founded by Dr. Nelson Handal, MD, Distinguished Fellow of the APA and double board certified Psychiatrist.

Led by CNS researchers in the top 99.26% of all researchers globally*

One adaptive assessment to predict 80+ mental health conditions.

First to market with adaptive assessment technology (250+ proprietary algorithms).

Go beyond PHQ9 and GAD7 for best-in-class mental health clinical decision support.

IP and copyright on all mental health questioning sets (awarded design patents and utility patent pending).

Fully HIPAA, GDPR, and FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliant.

The CEO was awarded the 2022 Christine Pierre Clinical Trials Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest honor in clinical research.

Over 1 million conditions predicted and verified by medical professionals.

Your organization collaborates with Clinicom to support your patients.

Nelson Handal, M.D., DFAPA

Chairman, President

Nelson Handal, M.D., DFAPA

  • Co-founder, Harmonex Neuroscience Research & Clinicom
  • Heidelberg University, Germany
  • Psychiatry residency, State University of New York—Syracuse
  • Primary investigator in 100+ pharma clinical trials
  • Recognized as one of America’s Top Psychiatrists
  • Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association

Ignacio Handal

Chief Executive Officer

Ignacio Handal

  • Co-founder,two nationally renowned clinical research centers
  • >90 multimillion-dollar clinical research studies for pharma
  • 2022 Christine Pierre Clinical Trials Lifetime Achievement Award recipient
  • Undergraduate Studies Pre-Med/Microbiology, Auburn University

James Riddle

Member, Board of Directors

James Riddle

  • VP, Research Services and Strategic Consulting at Advarra
  • Extensive regulatory and pharma experience, including many years in regulatory affairs
  • BS, Western Washington University

Dr. Jerlyn McCleod

Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Jerlyn McCleod

  • Current Medical Director, Southeast Alabama Youth Services’ Division Center and the Boys and Girls Attention Group Homes
  • Former Medical Director, Bradford Health Clinic
  • Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association
  • MD, University of Illinois, College of Medicine, BS, Howard University

Michael Gronau

Chief Operation Officer, Interim CFO

Michael Gronau

  • 15 years advising entrepreneurs to prepare for private equity investments
  • Primary focus on problem solving, operations and financial modelling
  • Built a multimillion-dollar enterprise which he successfully sold

Marcus Couch

Chief Marketing Officer

Marcus Couch

  • Contributed to development of first Internet graphic browser in 1993 and again in 2004 with the propogation of Podcasting
  • Worked with Nokia, Guitar Center, Farmers Insurance, GoDaddy, AmeriGas and Foot Locker
  • Computer Science, University of illinois

Harry Eagens

VP - Corporate Development

Harry Eagens

  • Developing and overseeing Clinicom’s relationships with Customers, Corporations & Family Offices
  • Decades of finance and sales experience
  • Finance & Business Law, University of Cincinnati

Dr. Derek Yach

Director Global Health

Dr. Derek Yach

  • Former World Health Organization (WHO) cabinet director and executive director for noncommunicable diseases and mental health
  • He has authored or co-authored more than 250 peer-reviewed articles on global health
  • Served on several advisory boards, including the World Economic Forum, Cornerstone Capital, and the Wellcome Trust.

Orchid Jahanshahi

Director, Life Sciences

Orchid Jahanshahi

  • 15 years advising entrepreneurs to prepare for private equity investments
  • Primary focus on problem solving, operations and financial modelling
  • Built a multimillion-dollar enterprise which he successfully sold

Barbara Baldwin

Director of Clinical Research

Barbara Baldwin

  • Graduated Summa Cum Laude from Troy University with a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Troy State University.
  • Oversees the initiation, regulatory documentation, contractual negotiations, and management of all clinical studies

Angela Turner

Operations Manager

Angela Turner

  • Helps to run day to day operations at Clinicom Healthcare, Inc
  • Works directly with the public to educate the community about Clinicom, research and our clinical trials through community outreach, health conferences, and volunteering at local non-profit organizations.

Bill St John

Senior Advisor

Bill St John

  • Senior Advisor to Clinicom for Capital Strategies, Life Sciences and Management
  • 25 years of experience in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical business.
  • Currently a consultant to select early-stage companies and early-stage venture funds
  • BS degree from Seattle University and an MS in Molecular Biology from The Ohio State University

Mattias Schroeter

Vice President Sales

Mattias Schroeter

  • 12+ years expertise with  eClinical Software, Clinical Trials, Regulatory Compliance, H.E.O.R, Market Access, and Pharmacovigilance.
  • Degrees in: Marketing, Economics, Software Engineering and German.
  • Vice Chairman and a board member at The Center for Educational Advancement
  • Supports and serves his local community as Mayor.

Brandon Paul

Director of Client Success

Brandon Paul

  • Ensures clinicians fully leverage Clinicom's technology for optimal usage in their practices.
  • Provides active support and training to enhance the effectiveness of clinical operations.
  • Facilitates seamless integration of Clinicom tools into daily clinical practices, aiming to improve efficiency and patient outcomes.

Tuck Stibich

Scientific Advisor, Epidemiology

Tuck Stibich

  • Specializes in creating efficient solutions for public health problems.
  • Received his doctoral training from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
  • Been involved in multiple international research and intervention projects.
  • Inventor on over 160 granted patents and a principal investigator on an NIH grant.

Devin Deich

Business Development

Devin Deich

  • Fortune seasoned leader experienced in start-up and growth-stage company development
  • Led go-to-market strategy, analysis, revenue forecasting, operations optimization, and investor presentations
  • Successfully managed and mentored teams large (400+) and small across multiple functions and highly matrixed organization and marketplace structures.

Dr Kamala Maddaji

Forbes Council Deep Lens-AI

Matt Vogel

CEO, VXVY Mental Health

Dr Joel Raskin

Eli Lilly Head Psychiatrist

Dr Christopher Lucas

Professor of Psychiatry Syracuse University and Author of the Columbia Suicide Scale

Dr Smit Patel

Program Lead, Digital Medicine Society (DiMe)

John Nosta

Founder - NOSTALAB, Google Health Advisory Board, WHO Digital Health

Pashia Wilson Groom, PhD

Owner, Leva Neuroscience
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